Pacothane® services the worldwide PCB market, which includes Rigid Multilayer, Rigid/Flex, Cover-layer Flex, Flexible Multilayer, Copper and Un-Clad
Laminates. These circuit boards are integrated into a wide variety of applications and markets that include telecom, data communications, high-speed computing, mobile devices, military, smart cards, medical and effectively all electronic products.

High temperature-resistant Release Film engineered for laminating rigid, flexible & exotic PCB's.
PACOPADS™ are a unique, cellulosic-based product, engineered specifically to meet the performance requirements of both Rigid Multilayer and Flexible Printed Circuit Board manufacture. PACOPADS™ are manufactured on a highly specialized paper machine, using virgin fibers that guarantee a low density profile consistent across the entire area of the sheet.
PACOTHERM™ (also called TRIPAK) is a PACOTHANE®-clad, releasable Press Pad that is specifically engineered to control the variables associated with the lamination processes used in the manufacture of Printed Circuit Boards. TRIPAK’S primary function is to economically deliver consistent, repeatable Heat Rise. The secondary function of this three-layer pad is to equalize applied pressure across the panel surface.
PACOGARD™ Panel Separator or “Slip” Sheets are a line of proprietary, process enhancement products specifically engineered to protect both Inner & Outerlayer PCB Panels from scrap resulting from handling Damage, excessive Oxidation and Air-borne Particulates. PACOGARD™ also significantly reduces “False Alarms” at AOI.
PACO•CLUTCH™ is a two-side releasable film, engineered specifically for use by PCB Multilayer manufacturers that laminate etched copper laminate cores, in place of copper foil. In the outer layer lamination process, this state-of-the-art product performs a dual purpose in the production of Cap Layer constructions.
PACO•VIA™ 3200 & 3000 is a two-sided release film designed to be part of a Two-Component System (PACO•VIA™ 3200 and PACOPADS™) as a performance-driven line of High-Temperature, Resin-Blocking Release Films. The PACO•VIA™ System is specifically engineered to enhance sequential lamination of Buried and Blind Via designed rigid printed Circuit Boards. PACO•VIA™ 3200 allows the user to select an alternative release film that may be better suited for less robust post lamination cleaning processes.
Pacothane® PLUS is a conformable release film that is specifically engineered for use as a component of the Pacothane® Plus System for the production of Flexible Printed Circuits (base stock, coverlay, and rigid-flex). Pacothane® Plus brings standardization and predictability to the flex laminating process and offers tangible process advantages. When used with PACOPADS™ both products combined offer consistent “macro” and “micro” Z-Axis Pressure Distribution throughout the complete lamination lay-up.
PACOFLEX™ ULTRA is the ultimate conformable release film for scrap-free applications for the lamination of cover layers and flexible circuits. It is fine-tuned to reduce excessive “squeeze-out” of adhesive into pad areas and will also effectively block adhesive or resin flow into any other unwanted areas.
THERMOPADS™ are designed to be integrated into the lamination systems of High Speed Circuits in particular HDI Flexible Circuits that require functional performance under high temperatures and still offer a degree of Macro Z-Axis pressure distribution (conformability), that is not available from make shift alternatives or the typical harder base polymers offered in typical high temperature press pads. Designed to be used with THERMOFILM™, it offers a consistent performance under the harsh conditions of High Temperatures above 280°C.
THERMOFILM™ is a two-sided Release Film engineered for Ultra High Temperature PCB laminations requiring an easy clean release after elevated temperature lamination cycles. Designed to eliminate using inexpertly designed lamination layups, THERMOFILM™, when used with THERMOPADS™ provides the “PACOTHANE®” standard of specific application based attributes. THERMOFILM™ offers the consistent attainment of proper release, surface protection and conformability under the harsh conditions and challenges of elevated temperature laminations.