We enable our customers to build better circuits, faster.
Have you checked our EMC and Arlon inventory lately? Insulectro stocks the best laminate and prepreg in North America. Check out our standard offering here: https://insulectro.com/puma-fast/
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Best-in-class products from world-class suppliers at 11 convenient stocking locations.
Supplies and Support
The most advanced materials for fabricators who demand speed and technology.
We play a vital role in the design and manufacture of future circuits.

For decades, Insulectro has set the pace for the continually evolving high tech electronics business. We learned to stock critical PCB materials close to clients.
PumaFast™ Nationwide Availability
With 11 stocking locations nationwide, we learned to stock critical PCB materials close to clients in order to offer the industry’s fastest delivery.
Insulectro by the numbers

Weekly insights about PCB design and manufacturing.
Specify an equally high performing Copper foil - MHT.
Denkai America MHT is a Grade 3 HTE matte side treated foil.
High temperature lamination compatible.
Double the density of mechanical anchors supporting strong peels per IPC-TM650.
Can be used for outer or inner layer applications.
Domestically made and stocked for Mill/Aero designs.
You can lose up to 0.2 db per inch due to rough copper foil topography.
JX Metals foil type JXEFL is dual released Grade 3 & Grade 11 foil.
RTF achieves an Rz 1.7µm for VLP2 or HVLP needs.
Larger grain structure supports both Rigid AND Rigid-flex designs.
Low-loss foils combined with low-loss resin enhances performance.
Domestically stocked for RF and HSD designs.
“…Insulectro… has done the best merge on PCB Manufacturing and Printed Electronics Manufacturing. They’re a staple in the printed electronics world.”
Eastprint, Inc.
Tom Bianchi
Vice President & Managing Partner